Get Ready to Scan, Measure, and Innovate

Sorry to hear that and I fully understand your opinion and disappointment it took me also by surprise … I just only hope that they can find a way for the Kit with current version … so far it was not good enough and the results did not delivered the quality and satisfactory to push it forward on old MIRACO hardware version , trust me we all tried very hard for that to happen.


Will the firmware update for the Miraco with the new hardware be the same as the Miraco with the old hardware just with the zoom features suppressed, or will the old Miraco not be updated as much and everything will just be focused on the Miraco Plus?


Each version will have own unique firmware since it have different hardware and features .

New features will be provided as long the hardware support it of course.
There is over 10.000 MIRACO users , they are not going to be abandoned.

However Revopoint need to move forward with their invitations to keep up with the market .

You know what they say , “today new tech, is old by tomorrow”… it is with all technology today … it moving just too fast …


I’ve always enjoyed being able to use the different accessories on Revopoint scanners, for example the Magic mat works well with the Range, and the same Revoscan software is improving with useful functions for all scanners. I like using my Miraco pro scanner (the latest update has really improved it) and I would have been interested in being able to add the measurement kit.

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It is a Metrology Kit , the principle is the same as Global Markers with the difference that you can scan capture big objects with smaller details and more accurate without shifting .
However using this Kit you need to know how to use reverse engineering or have skills in 3D modeling and editing , because you have to restore the surfaces after markers and bars .

So how it works ?

You place the carbon fiber bars, metrology markers and regular markers on the object surface , around 8 cm apart , then you scan the metrology kit bar code and start capturing the area by making pictures of it ( kinda like you do Photogrammetry) you need minimal 30 pictures , after the photos are taken the MIRACO will process it and create a cage with specific accuracy , then you begin to scan the object as usual with continuous mode ( the all markers need to be always in the same position )
After capture you process with the scan as usual .

If you have a lots of space in your workshop you can also setup your scanning area using the Metrology kit for reuse , like for example big table , you will be able to scan objects like bottles , auto parts or any smaller objects without the need to place markers on it .
The Metrology Kit do not relays on the objects features , so you can just scan anything without worry of losing tracking .

The Metrology kit require 2 types of Markers , the Metrology special markers and regular markers and lots of them .


Thank you for this very precise explanation of how the Miraco Plus works with the Methology Kit.

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BTW previous MIRACO version will have a Global Marker function in the future updates as many other features … So it is not that it is over now and done … Still lots of improvements coming its way …