First organic scan

This is the first time I’ve really scanned something organic, I do have a video of the whole process, but have yet to learn video editing so that will have to wait.

The scanner was set up on the tripod, and the cactus and pot were on the turn table.

Here you can see that there were several scans which were automatically merged.

I have to say I am pleased with the results.

Automatic merging of several scans

Resultant Mesh

Bring on the colour :slight_smile:

The real thing


Excellent result Gary … I am so surprised you still got so good color per vertex after so many merging parts … it was worth the time !


Thank you.

I don’t know if it makes a difference buy I had the flashing light turned on on the scanner. It definitely helped reduce the darker shadows, as currently I have a window on my right when scanning (not ideal).

Not good , the infrared light coming from your window can influence the quality of your scans or tracking . The flash light helping out to have even color textures .

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That’s interesting, I new it might affect the scan, but didn’t realise it could have an effect on the tracking.

Hoping to get an area with no windows soon which will be better.