In the tutorial video you pause during the scan to get the back side of the scan and hit resume. The dual axis turntable doesn’t turn after hitting resume and I know this is a common complaint by the users. Is it better to just get a 3rd party turntable that you can manually control when to rotate?
I still don’t know why the pause resume button was never added to the function as it would be as simple as adding start /stop button function .
But the idea behind the Revo Dual Axis Turntable was to not having the needs to turn the object on a different sides as it can capture 2 axis at the same time , so in place of multiple scanning sessions you just need maximum 2 separate sessions without the need of pause/restart button .
I think it is the time to address the elephant in the room , because I do agree that the hardware is very good but the control of it is just not yet on right level.
There is only one Dual Axis on the internet I found that have the tilt function with remote control that works excellent with Revo Scan and in closer price range .
Regular turntable will request multiple scanning sessions .
I think for now it is better to use the manual control in Revo Scan Or download DATT controller for Android to manually control it beyond the basic functions in Revo Scan .
Hopefully new function can be added in the future .