Ancient Dark Shiny Bronze: Nude (36,9 cm long)
Another laser scan METROX’s on KICKSTARTER , today a challenge: a dark bronze
Scanning mode: Cross Lines
Scanning a bronze sculpture with a dark patina is a challenge for those who need to create a quality 3D model with high detail.
MetroX in the Cross Lines laser scan mode allowed me to carry out the scan and the Marker Block Kit was essential to avoid placing the markers directly on the surface of the sculpture.
Truly amazing result.
The scanning set, in the images below:
the scuplture is all surrounded from many marker blocks.
Ancient Chinese Tea-Pot (XIX century) - metal and sculpted/engraved wood decoration (10 cm high)
Another laser scan accomplished with METROX’s on KICKSTARTER
Scanning mode: Cross Lines
Scanning a metal-wood tea-pot with a dark patina and shiny metal is a challenge if need to create a quality 3D model with high detail.
MetroX in the Cross Lines laser scan mode allowed me to carry out the scan and the Marker Block Kit was essential to complete the scan.
The tea-pot was scanned from different sides ( teh tea-pot surrounded from many marker blocks) and the 6 scans obtained were merged in Revoscan.