Copy Entire RevoScan5 Project from Laptop to Desktop?

Is it possible to copy entire RevoScan5 project from one computer to another ?

I tried to copy the project directory using my usb from the RevoScan5/Projects on my Laptop to the same on my desktop but it appears that the RevoScan5/Projects directory may not be scanned or be aware of the additional projects when RevoScan5 is Re-opened.


The directory you see on the homepage is a history list of projects opened and edited with RS5 , it is not a folder browser , so after you imported your projects with USB to your PC , open the project and save it , then it will show up on the history list .

In the future there will be actual browser to manage and sort out all the projects in the folder direct from the software.

For now it is just a history list from all opened and edited projects in RS5 .

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