【Announcement】Share Your MIRACO Backer Number to Win Prizes!

Hello all!

First and foremost, we want to extend our heartfelt appreciation to every supporter. Thanks to your unwavering support, our MIRACO Kickstarter project was a success. We deeply value the support and trust of all participants.

Now let’s reveal the fortunate winners:

:1st_place_medal: First Prize: Congratulations to @TheBoatScans ! You’ve won an useful Large Turntable.

:2nd_place_medal: Second Prize: Congratulations to the following 10 winners of Magic Mat: @Tennessee, @Kinggati, @KansasRon, @Guyblin, @mikeusderk, @Rachmann, @ChasBro, @PhilipVM, @Contiferg, @MarioG

Note: Since we couldn’t find the backer number 66 for @greckpk during the initial lottery verification, we have conducted a new draw and selected @Guyblin instead.

Congrats to all the winners!

Your prizes will be shipped with your MIRACO. We kindly ask for your patience as we arrange the deliveries and await the arrival of your rewards.

For those who didn’t win this time, you’ll have more chances to win great prizes soon.

We sincerely appreciate your ongoing support and participation. Stay tuned for more exciting updates and opportunities in the future!

We encourage all members to continue sharing, participating, and engaging in discussions on the forum. Once again, we extend our heartfelt thanks to every one of you.

Best wishes,

The Revopoint team

Dear all MIRACO backers,

A big thank you to all of our MIRACO supporters for allowing us to smash reach our fundraising goal and push us past $1 million in just a few hours, and surpass 2 million funding in 10 days.

Leave your backer number in the comments section for the chance to win the Large Turntable or an extra Magic Mat.


:1st_place_medal:First Prize: Large Turntables *1

:2nd_place_medal:Second Prizes: Magic Mat * 10

Here’s how to enter:

:one: Back MIRACO on Kickstarter: https://bit.ly/40k8mGu

:two: Leave a comment with your backer number to participate under this post.

Contest Period:

Now - Nov. 30, 2023 | 9 AM EDT.

How will the winners be selected?

The winners will be randomly selected by Revopoint and announced on Dec. 4, 2023.


  • The backer’s personal information must match the info used in the KS campaign. If you cancel your pledge, it means you lose the chance for a prize.

  • Prizes will be shipped according to our schedule.

  • The winners are responsible for cooperating with customs clearance (if required).

  • Revopoint reserves the right to make changes to this contest without prior notice.

  • Revopoint’s selection of winners will be final and binding.

All backers, don’t miss out on this opportunity. Take action now!

Note: Revopoint reserves the right to modify, suspend, and/or terminate this contest. All participants shall be deemed as having agreed to the T&Cs:Terms and Conditions of Revopoint Contest


Backer 664
Hi Miraco team, here is Gabriele from Italy, see you at FormNext!

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Backer 2133

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Hi, backer #389 from Spain here!

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Hi Gabriele @c.gabri

Welcome to our community! Thank you for backing MIRACO! We look forward to seeing you at Formnext and experiencing the charm of MIRACO together!:wink:

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Hi @KlausKolbe007

Thank you for supporting us! Good luck!:grinning:

Hello Revopoint 3D!

MIRACO backer 2137 after a lucky second chance round of only 15 unit’s on offer and stayed awake til 12Pm ( Australia ) to grab this amazing evolution of Revopoint 3D technology.
Thanks again for the opportunity to win again and all the best to all that enter.


Who will be present at Formnext?

Hi @cotigordon

:clap:Spanish friends, welcome to our community!

Good luck in the raffle!

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Backer 278 ! Greetings from Bavaria

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Hi Gabriele

I sent you the message, please check it out.

Hi @Chrisse

Thank you for your support. We are delighted to have you as part of our community.:heart:

Backer #73

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Backer #200

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Hi @Gadget

Thank you very much for your support of MIRACO! We believe MIRACO won’t let you down, and good luck in the lottery!

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Backer #63 here

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Backer 621.


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