Aligment of serveral Scans

Can anyone help me with that?

I would need an option to align the part correctly by hand, possibly allowing me to manually move the second part slightly in the coordinate system. Another option would be that I can pre-align the two objects so that the auto-alignment can do its job properly. (I’m assuming ICP is used) it’s important one to have good pre alignment.

Here’s my idea: let’s create an alignment with the features so that there is an option to not merge the parts afterwards. This is how you can do pre-alignment with features. Just a pre Alignment Button under “Generate Model”…

Is there something or should I record a new feedback?

It would also be good if you could set the ICP threshold yourself.

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Hi @SphaeroX you can use Cloud Compare and pre align it , manually or automatic based on points , and after you can register it proper if the alignment is the way you wish for, or just export the pre aligned 2 scans.

Yes, I thought about CloudCompare too.

But what do you think of the idea of ​​adding the “Align Only” button to feature alignment? Then you can perform a pre-alignment for the auto alignment. The programming effort would be low and the benefits would be very high.

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I agree , I am still waiting for the manual alignment we once had before … it is being long time …


We miss you RevoStudio manual alignment. Please call. :cry: