Update rev scan on Miraco

When will the revo scan software for the miraco be updated?

Why is there a specific bug? I think the scanner works well.

Hello, we are still in the process of preparing the update for MIRACO. Once it is ready for release, we will promptly post update announcements in the community. Thank you very much for your attention.


Not any specific bug, the new version of revo scan for pc has come out with better performance and I’m waiting for it on Miraco too

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How you expecting a PC performance to be the same on MIRACO ? technically impossible Android tablet vs PC.
Unless you talking about some features that are not yet available on MIRACO.

so you are saying for example the mesh that goes from 7 to 8 will not be available on the Miraco and therefore I will always have to use revo scan from the pc? In another post the functions that the Miraco has are not on revo scan for pc and now the functions that are on revo scan for pc are not on Miraco…

MIRACO’s system is not powerful enough to process that . It’s an android tablet after all.
The functions are according to the system capacity and not really related.
There may be some new features in the future but don’t expect a copy of Revo Scan PC to run on it, as that is technically not all possible.


I hope at this point the revo scan functions of the Miraco version (see 4/8k color scanning) can also be used on the PC version at this point, MIRACO will become obsolete very quickly in the market. If before I did everything with MIRACO now I have to switch to the PC.


Hi! What do you mean by that? If you already did everything with Miraco, you still will be able to do so after an update, if not even better. After all the update don’t downgrade your Miraco’s functionality.

But if you want to mesh at the higher settings you’ll have to use some PC power. You can’t replace a powerful PC by an android tablet (yet).

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I don’t get what you are saying , PC offers you additional options for processing , that was always like that and will be like that for obvious technical reason.
You scanning everything on MIRACO and process on PC if you want higher settings for meshing. It was always like that.

what additional options?

Hi @rednet

Revo Scan PC has some rich post-processing tools, and the processing speed of PC will be relatively faster under the same parameter settings, as well as the parameters of Fusion and Mesh on PC will be more powerful.

Due to the limitation of the system, the functions of MIRACO are limited, so if you have more processing requirements for the model, you can scan the model in MIRACO and transfer the model to Revo Scan PC for post-processing.

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I would like to point out that part of my job consists of scanning and delivering the mesh in real time, with Miraco I can finish the job 100% on site without the aid of other tools, but today I am also aware that I could deliver a better mesh but only by doing post-processing with the PC, so the initial question was whether Miraco will also be updated or will the post-processing parameters remain the same as today, after all it is not an obsolete product.

MIRACO will have its own updates, and we will disclose the update points when they are released.
As for whether there will be higher meshing settings, we will take this as a suggestion and provide feedback to the development team.
However, the actual implementation will depend on whether the MIRACO system can support this. This is also why we explained the differences between MIRACO’s functions and those on the PC end to you.
Can the current meshing capabilities of MIRACO meet your requirements?

For now Miraco meets the needs but as you well know everything evolves :slight_smile:

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