The feature mode of Metro X is terrible

Hi @Beemot

Have you encountered tracking issues during scanning in full-field mode as well? Would you mind sharing a video clip or screenshot to help us investigate further?

Try with an object that has lots of features and details to see if issue still exist , lack of features will not scan the object correctly, in this case use marker mode for objects that have lots of flat surfaces .
Structured Light scanners relays on features or markers.

Heads up to all of you having major issues with feature scanning. It’s possible that it’s a hardware issue with some of the early units related to the projector. I’ve gone through a review of this with the revopoint customer support team via a video call with some folks in their China office after spending probably 5 hours trying to get a single decent scan with little success. They have since offered to send me a replacement unit and I will report back on whether it works any better. For me it was quite obvious that something is wrong. I have been completely unable to take a single feature scan when holding the unit freehand. The only one that was kind of possible was a scan on the turntable with a tripod and even then obvious tracking issues came up and only disappeared when going through the fusion step. There is absolutely no reason why a feature rich item like a game controller should have feature tracking issues on a stable turntable scan. Feels like performance from a $200 scanner and not a $1000 “next-generation” system.
According to the Revopoint team the projector has now been changed to a “prism shape” and maybe this is the reason why everyone is having trouble. In my case it was also obvious something was wrong, because the projector had clear quality control alignment issues:

I really hope the folks at Revopoint address the poor feature scanning being reported by the users of early units. I think the ergonomics of the system are great and it has potential to be a fantastic device, but clearly there is still some development or growing pains.

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I have the latest device and have no issues whatsoever, neither any of my fellow beta testers.

It need to be closely investigated because 95% of the issues so far are typical users error. The new public devices are much better than the old one used for beta testing early.

Number one issue , bad calibration after shipping
Second issues , lack of features .
Structured light scanners relays heavy on features.

How to test calibration ?
Try to scan using Full Field mode and markers, if it scans proper the calibration is ok.

Is that a picture of your projector? I have the same style, but mine seems clearly misaligned, like the top left corner of the projector is pushed back from the glass by about 2mm compared to the top right corner, and the whole mechanism is twisted 5 degrees or so ccw. I’ve been struggling to produce a decent feature scan even under seemingly ideal conditions, with lots of easily scanned features in view and trying to hold the scanner as steady as I can while panning it veeeery slowly across the object. I haven’t re-calibrated from the factory calibration yet.

"I have the latest device and have no issues whatsoever, neither any of my fellow beta testers.

It need to be closely investigated because 95% of the issues so far are typical users error. "

Just because you have a device that works, doesn’t mean any of us do. And clearly something is not right if you have multiple people with past scanner experience including from Revopoint competitor products coming into the forum and saying the feature scanning is useless. I’ve used competitor products and I stand by what I said; it feels like a $200 product, not $1000.
Don’t immediately blame this on users. Many of us are engineers and professionals and it’s a very bad look for a company to instantly blame it’s users for a device that doesn’t seem to work especially when new to market devices often DO have early manufacturing issues.
I’m glad and thankful that Revopoint is sending me a new unit. I hope the problem will be resolved, but it’s a very bad approach to blame users as your #1 solution.

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yes, that’s a picture of my unit.
I’ve recalibrated and it had no impact, but try do recalibrate on yours and see if there is any improvement.

I think mine looks worse than yours.

If I am very careful I can get things to scan, so long as there is a lot of geometry in view. I still lose tracking often even when trying to keep very smooth and slow with my motions. I haven’t made a successful handheld feature mode scan yet.

I wonder if part of the problem is that the projected image is out of focus so the edges of the projected pattern are difficult to track.

I don’t blame anybody , I just recognize what is an user error and what is not
I closely work with Revopoint on the development .

There are possible errors in the production . Things like that happens.
If you worked supporting so many users as I did in over 2 years you would better understand what I am talking about .

The device issue you experienced is related to the device , this don’t means all device have it , be cautious what you posting as that can be read by others as a false narrative.

Your issue will be solved so case closed.

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You are looking on the wrong part, what need to be in synch are depth sensors with the projector pattern .
If the alignment is off you probably would not be able to scan anything at all, one thing to do is recalibration , and if still issues persist please make video while scanning and send it to for evaluation .
There is nothing else you can do , talking about will not fix itself so don’t waste time and get help by the tech team ASAP.

yea, your unit looks worse than mine. Definitely set up a call with the revopoint customer support team.

Are you guys scanning objects in feature mode with markers around? Like are you scanning an object on the rotary table that has dots on it? I have found in feature only mode that if there are any markers around it totally messes up the tracking big time and will drift the object off into space. If I place the same object, even the small bust guy that comes with it just on the table I can track it no problem at all. The markers, even though it isn’t looking for them seem to mess with it. Otherwise my little big of electronics there are tilted some also but my unit works flawlessly and tracks wonderfully. I also started my journey with the pop2 though so I have some experience in trying to get tracking to work.

In my case I’ve tried both, but majority of my unsuccessful feature scanning has been without dots.
That said, thank you for the tip, I’ll have to try a few strict comparison scans with and without once my replacement unit is received.

it’s a subaru!

Is there some updates on this topic? I was about to return my scanner partly for this reason…

Can you be more specific with your question ?
What updates and what reason you refer to ?

Are there any software updates coming that will improve the feature tracking? Because at the moment, it is indeed terrible. Loss of tracking even on good geometry, with runaway instances, sudden offsets etc…
At the very least, the threshold for storing data frames when tracking has been lost should be increased to minimize the erroneous geometry.

We are all expecting software updates soon to help the problems. I am not aware of a specified timeline, and I don’t expect one, that’s how most dev shops work, it releases when it is ready. A little more transparency would be nice, but I’d rather have good software tomorrow than junk today.

In full field feature mode, bad data from tracking issues can be edited out. Crtl-Z will roll back, and you can use the keyframe editor to clean things out that are further back. It’s not perfect, but it does help. I don’t think this is available in either laser mode.

No not in laser mode.
Raw editing available only in Full Field and Auto Mode scanning

The software is constantly improved
And new version released over the time.
If you looking for a specific time date, there is none.

If you experience anything unusual I would suggest to contact
Make screen video of the issues to include with.

I can’t say that I have issues like that and I spent almost 300 hours scanning with. Sometimes things happen but most of the time my own errors in the process. Each object needs different approach and since structure light scanners relays on features a simple stationery object in the background or using a marker plate without using marker mode can affect the scanning results. Each case is different.
Don’t hesitate to contact the support if you are concerned about the process .