Revoscan manual downloadable?

I received the Metrox scanner view days ago. I noticed that the user manual for the Metrox version of Revoscan is purely online. I would really appreciate a downloadable PDF version, so that I can read and search it even if I am not online. Just like the manual for the “normal” revoscan 5.5.0 is. Thanks in advance

Have you seen the PDF version of the MetroX user manual yet? If so, can you point me in the direction of the download?

This concept of the manual ONLY being available online is nuts. I would hazzard to guess that most users do not have an ultra-wide monitor on their desktop system in order to use an online manual while using the product. And I would hazzard a guess that a LOT of users are using their laptops with their scanners (I am) and an online manual is just not a feasible option.

@Revopoint-Jane No, I haven’t seen it yet. I agree that this is a bummer. Don’t see why they do not have a downloadable version for the metrox version of Revoscan

Hi @poni @drkenb we’ve had this idea before, but there seems to be some issues with making a downloadable version available. I will raise this requirement again with the relevant department once I am back in the office. Thank you very much for the suggestion.

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Thanks, Jane. Much appreciated

Thank you, Jane. There are probably many of us that would like a paper copy to stare at vs. the screen.

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