It is not possible to use the same software , the hardware is totally different and the software is specific for that hardware only . The amount of data that MINI produces is really too much to get fast processing , Miraco system can produce the same results as on computer, MINI would be too much for full processing and cause too many unnecessary issues . This mean MIRACO is fine tuned for own specific hardware only and using other hardware will cause only conflict and a lot of issues while processing …
but as they say… never say never …you never know what the future will brings
BTW if that was even a future possibility , I would make sure to have MIRACO 32GB RAM … just a hint …
Technically not possible for that type of technology with infrared … however It can get better than POP3 for sure … single frame precision is a lab test … usually not archived at home … for that you would need a very stable enviorment and special tools … micro noises would kill the accuracy otherwise … MINI can go to 0.01mm max with accuracy thanks to its blue laser … the secret weapon against micro noises
Precision has nothing to do with accuracy
If you saw accuracy of 0.02mm it was probably a mistake as people often mix that terms together . Probably webmaster made error .
Accuracy and precision are two measures of observational error. Accuracy is how close a given set of measurements are to their true value ( how well the scanned object can be reproduced in their details and volume compared to the original object ) , while precision is how close the measurements are to each other ( meaning how accurate are the scans each time an object is scanned for example you scan half part of the object and then second part of the object, the error between the 2 scanned parts in measurement is maximal to 0.02mm what is excellent ). In other words, precision is a description of random errors while scanning .
Of course MIRACO accuracy is slightly above 0.05mm , maybe 0.04-0.03mm actually but it differ between each devices and random calibration between the sensors . O.05mm accuracy are the default statements and never above that .
Revopoint never put specifications that are unreal . Always downgrading them slightly down , compared the true values just to be safe what is a very honest of them to do . And yes I am always checking the latest values of the Beta prototype before releases to be 100% sure …
*Higher Accuracy ( lower values are better)
Precision ( lower values are better )
Resolution Point Cloud ( lower values are better)
Resolution Meshing ( higher values are better )