How do I lose the blob of BluTack ? (merge both ends of thin object)


I’m new to 3D Scanning so please excuse me if this has an obvious answer (yes I have searched this forum, watched a million YouTube videos and asked Mr Google!).

I’m trying to get a complete scan of a tall thin featureless object (it’s an Orthotic Insert) with my shiny new Miraco Plus.

I’ve attached it to the mini turntable, used scan spray and external featureful objects and after some practise managed to get a fair scan (see image).

However it’s obviously not scanned the bottom of the object and the blob of BluTack used to hold it is integrated in the scan data.

If I turn it upside down, take another scan, chop the BluTack areas off and then try to merge in RevoScan the results are a disaster in both Align by Feature and Align by Point.

Can anyone give me some pointers on how I should be doing this?
Sorry for the link… can’t see how to include an image on this Forum Software.


From the image I see, I would say you are using the same project for several different scans, and you have selected some of those for the merge.

Yes that’s right. I found it easier to have the Miraco on the tripod, let it scan the top half and then reposition and do another scan for the bottom and merge to produce what you see.

My problem is that if I flip the object by 180 and rescan (in the same project) no end of fiddling about with merge results in a good model.

How do I scan both ends of this object and merge them?

180° might not be enough if there aren’t enough common points. Try with 4 different scans every 90°

Thanks for the suggestion.

Should I attempt to leave the ‘featureful’ objects in exactly the same place (tricky as it’s very easy to knock them out of place) and merge with them in the scans or edit them out before merging?

Now I think I understand what you are doing😁. Put them as you prefer, and remove them after fusing. Perhaps this will help you also on your original 180° scans

Thanks for the pointers. I now have a successful scan.