Dear Contributors,
As we approach the end of 2023, we want to express our deep gratitude to every user for your continuous support and contribution to Revopoint. This has been a big year for us, with the successful launch of several 3D scanners and many significant updates to Revo Scan.
One of the many important things we’ve done this year, was to massively improve Revo Scan with our transition away from Revo Scan 4 + Revo Studio to our brand new scanning and editing software, Revo Scan 5. And the improvements we’ve implemented in Revo Scan 5 throughout the year would not have been possible without all your valuable feedback. Thank you everyone for your support!
If we forgot any names in the compilation, please let us know.
We also want to give special thanks to all our contributors who have exceeded anything we could have hoped for. Your invaluable support with beta testing and providing diverse scanning scenarios have played a crucial part in the success of each Kickstarter campaign and product launch. Our achievements wouldn’t have been possible without your support.
To acknowledge these users’ amazing contributions, we have established an annual awards event to celebrate: Outstanding Contribution, Selfless Dedication, and Community Star Awards.
The awards come with four prizes:
Exclusive forum/group special badge
A trophy (On its way)
Certificate (On its way)
Drum Roll - The 13 winners of this year’s awards are:
Outstanding Contribution Award: @PUTV
Selfless Dedication Award: @Xile6, @Seb, @Ispanico97, @Samlilly2, @dfodaro, @Johnathan, @X3msnake
Community Star Award: @Rilot, @digital0785, @DragonLordGray, @Steamkraft, @AndyForster
Congratulations to all of you! You more than deserve your awards.
Finally, we extend our season’s greetings and a Happy New Year to everyone for their strong support throughout 2023. And as we step into the new year, we look forward to continuing this journey together and creating a brighter 3D scanning future together.
Heartfelt thanks,
The Revopoint team