Cassie's taking off for maternity leave

Our very helpful support representative Cassie (@Revopoint-Cassie) is taking off for maternity leave! She’ll be back early next year.

I don’t know who will be stepping in for her here on the Forum (Jade Kris will be handling the Revopoint pages on Facebook).

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We have already active @Revopoint , @Revopoint3d-Selina and Olivia stepping in for Cassie .

She’s going to be missed around for sure


Hi Cassie,
Happiness and congratulations!

Hi Cassie,
Congrats. Have a good maternity time. And show us your new sprout :slight_smile: , please. Keep well.

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Congratulations Cassie! I hope the delivery goes as well as these things can.

Revopoint is very fortunate to have Cassie as an employee. I wish her great fortune and blessings and hope she has a fat happy baby!

Hi @JeffLindstrom @dfodaro @Johan @Macflame @slywitt ,

Thank you all for your kind words!

During my maternity leave, @Revopoint will be responsible for the technical support, @Revopoint3d-Selina will be accountable for contests, and @Revopoint3D-Gena & @Revopoint-Agnes will be responsible for customer service.

Best regards