0.05mm accuracy seems unobtainable?

What a difference already Chris , where you got the step block ? I must get myself one , as I want to run future tests also with the upcoming MINI 3D Scanner and check in the future the volume accuracy for some of my dental work modeling what is crucial , POP2 failed on it partially .

0.3mm results you getting are much to off for some reason , you should get no more than 0.1mm as that would be fully acceptable . The Point cloud fusing improved a lot in the last version , it is now more uniform and in order compared to early builds . As they say, the mesh can’t be better than the point cloud itself , but I am still little sceptical about the meshing function in Revo Scan .

I really need to get the step block , I may do some scans and send you some data for evaluation and comparison .

I am going to check today if there is any shift in the alignment point cloud frames or it is the meshing .
BTW Chris did you tried to capture the point cloud of your step block and fuse it only on your smartphone and mesh it in Revo Studio ? I find the smartphone point cloud fusion much more superior to early Windows Revo Scan builds , it was also updated yesterday for Android . It is worth trying , this way we can help improve the software . When MINI get out with 0.02mm accuracy and you get 0.3mm results, what is the point of getting new device right ? The software need to deliver …

I put all the step-blocks I used in the movie description: Revopoint POP2 Single View Accuracy and Precision Tests - YouTube
I will order some Maxidon CAD/CAM spray and give it a try. Feel free to send me data to look at.

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The single view scan accuracy ( Revopoint POP2 Single View Accuracy and Precision Tests - YouTube ) was right on. So the alignment of the individual frames is off. You can see this in the sides of the steps which are not constrained in the alignment. You could adjust the scale factor, but this would cause issues with the dimensions visible in a single view. +/- 0.3mm is still pretty good for my applications, although I would like more points resolution so I can see fine details.

Thanks Chris, I found it already , I will have my new 3D spray on Monday so I can try out .